“Entre telares” mr
Karen Contreras, y su Madre Maria Peralta, pertenecen a una familia tradicional de Doñihue, que por cinco generaciones han desarrollado este arte durante siglos, haciendo nacer de sus manos la magia, del diseño y confeccion de los mas bellos y finos chamantos de Doñihue ...
Hilados con mas de tres mil hebras, con una danza de colores y flores que engalanan cientos de huasos chilenos y del mundo... sus manos nacen los sueños, sueños floridos y reales...
In the beautiful district of Camarico, dreams are born, come to know our work, let yourself be dazzled by the magic and charm of real people doñihuana, a quiet neighborhood ...
Located 22 km from Rancagua city, on Highway H-30, toward the coast, going to Doñihue Emilio Cuevas take the street towards the hill, up the street in the heart of Miraflores town Las Chamanteras, artists Maria and Karen
María Peralta with over thirty years of experience are invited to experience the best of this art directing and designer daughter with you your chamanto and unique personalized blanket